The International Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Society, founded in 2003, aims to promote and disseminate the work of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger.
This aim is achieved through:
the distribution of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger’s compositions
artistic guidance for performances of his works
cooperation with the Josef Rheinberger Archive, Vaduz
assistance in scientific research on the life and work of Rheinberger
guidance and information
assistance for people committed to the dissemination of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger's works
cooperation with people and organizations at home and abroad who promote the legacy of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger
Become a member of the International Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Society. In doing so, you will promote the dissemination of the great Liechtenstein composer and music teacher’s work. Your contribution will support young artists as well as scientific papers on the life and work of Rheinberger and his students. An international scientific advisory board decides on the use of funds and the assistance of projects.
As a member of the International Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Society (IRG) you would have a seat and vote in the general assembly. You would support the society’s diverse endeavours and be regularly informed about its activities. Members can make an active contribution to the society’s activities and projects at the membership assembly or via other proposals.
Mitgliedsbeiträge/Jahr | CHF |
Förderer* ab einem Beitrag von | 500,- |
(Firmen, Institutionen etc.) | 200,- |
Ehepaarmitgliedschaft | 90,- |
SchülerInnen, StudentInnen,
Lerhlinge, Auszubildende | 30,- |
Einzelmitglied | 60,- |
*with a minimum contribution of 500.-CHF per annum you will be listed as a patron of the International Rheinberger Society (IRG).
You will be invoiced for the membership fees once you have joined as a member.
Amounts that exceed the regular annual fee are gladly accepted as donations. A donation receipt can be issued on request.
The composer Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839-1901) was born in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. He went to Munich at the age of twelve for musical training and remained there for the rest of his life, working as a composer and music teacher. Due to his roots in Liechtenstein he is considered Liechtenstein’s most important composer.
Between 1982 and 1986 the two Rheinberger scholars Harald Wanger (1933-2011, teacher, later supervisor of the
Rheinberger archive in Vaduz, Liechtenstein) and Hans-Josef Irmen (1938-2007, professor of music and didactics in Essen) edited the larger part of the surviving documents on the composer's life and work. Most of these letters, reviews, performance reports, diary entries, etc. are kept in the Josef Rheinberger Archive in Vaduz, which has formed part of the State Archives since 1998. The composer’s actual musical heritage is kept in the Bavarian State Library in Munich.
Das Josef Gabriel Rheinberger-Archiv verwaltet einen Teil des Nachlasses des in München verstorbenen Komponisten (1839-1901). Hauptsächlich handelt es sich dabei um Briefe an seine Familie in Vaduz und um die gedruckten Werke. Das Josef Gabriel Rheinberger-Archiv ist heute im Liechtensteinischen Landesarchiv untergebracht.
E-Mail: landesarchiv@llv.li
Das Josef Rheinberger-Archiv ist Herausgeber der Josef Gabriel Rheinberger-Gesamtausgabe, deren wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung einer eigenen Editionstelle obliegt.
E-Mail: info@rheinberger-edition.de